An Intro to Time Complexity & Big-O Notation

A beginner’s guide to assessing and describing algorithm run time.

Paige Miles
5 min readMar 28, 2021

You’ve started a course/book/class/whatever on data structures and algorithms, and your brain is melting. Before you can even get to the meat — or the mushroom — you’re hit with “big-o notation” this and “time/space complexity” that. Here’s my attempt to break it down into “I-don’t-have-a-computer-science-degree-or-a-math-brain” terms.

What the [insert expletive] is time complexity and big-O notation?

Time complexity is the amount of time taken for an algorithm to run as a function of the number of operations performed to complete the task. The fewer the number of operations, the more efficient the algorithm in terms of time complexity. There also exists a relationship between the number of operations and the input data size (n).

Big-O Notation describes the run time of an algorithm in terms of growth in the number of operations in relation to input size (n). The given notation is written: O[n], where O is the order of growth and n is the number of operations.

Sounds cool, but how do we evaluate how fast an algorithm runs?

Let’s start with an algorithm to perform the following: Given positive integer n, print out all integers from 1 to n.

Consider the input. What happens when n huge?

If n = 1. 1 number is printed.

If n = 10. 10 numbers are printed.

If n = 100. 100 numbers are printed.

As n increases, so do the number of print statements. In this case, the number of print statements increases linearly with an increase in n. In big-O notation, this algorithm runs with O(n) time complexity where n is the input integer.

Let’s add a print statement before the loop. How does that change the time complexity?

Here’s our updated algorithm:

It’s the same O(n). But why? The new line of code is not dependent on input size. The number of print statements that occur could be expressed as n + 1, but when expressed in big-O notation (remember it’s a generalization), we care only about the most dominant part of the algorithm. In this case, only the loop is dependent on the input size.


Time to mix it up again.

How does the time complexity change if we add a loop to print number 1 to n a second time?

Given positive integer n, print out all integers from 1 to n. Twice.

Now there are n + n number of print statements, or 2n. The number of print statements is still increasing linearly with n, so the big-O of this algorithm is still O(n).


What is the time complexity of the following summation algorithm?

Given a positive integer, return the sum from 1 to n.

O(n) again. OK — this is the last time I’ll do that, I promise! So, why does it also have a time complexity of O(n)? The loop runs n times, adding the value of the current number to the total for all numbers from 1 to n.

How do we make it more time-efficient?

The following code also returns the sum from 1 to n.

The above algorithm has a constant time complexity of O(1) because it runs the same amount of time regardless of the input size.

Code with O(1) time complexity

  1. Declaring a variable
const variable = 100;

2. Print statement

console.log("hello world")

3. Loop for a constant value

for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

The last example is coming right up!

Given n that represents the length of a square grid, print all the coordinates of the grid.

What is the time complexity of this algorithm? We have a loop within a loop which means if n = 4, the print will execute n x n times or 16 times. The big-O of this algorithm is O(n^2). The time complexity is scaling quadratically. In other words, for every iteration of the outer loop, we need to iterate another n number of times (the inner loop).

We’ve looked at constant, O(1), linear, O(n), and quadratic, O(n^2) time complexity (fastest to slowest). Here are some other runtimes, from slowest to fastest:

  • O(n!) - factorial
  • O(2n) - exponential
  • O(n^2) - quadratic
  • O(nlogn) - nlogn
  • O(n) - linear
  • O(logn) - logarithmic
  • O(1) - constant

Maybe we’ll get to those in future posts. Thanks for reading!

The Little Extras

*The most dominant part of the algorithm will describe whether it is asymptotically equivalent — i.e., essentially equal. In the case of big-o, this means that with an increase in the input size, be it n and n + 1, the rate increase will be the same for both.

**Coefficient: the numeric factor of a term, e.g., the coefficient of 3x is 3, the coefficient of 2n is 2.

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